How to prepare for an interview with php as a fresher?


(Crud Operations)

Create Student Registration with Student Enrollment No, Name, Email Id, Phone No, Password.

Subject should be from subject table.

Students marks should be from their Enrollment No.

Passing is 35 Marks.

Provide Distinction, First, Second, Third.

(Crud Operations)

Create Registration with employee details.

File Upload = jpg and png only,only Docx, only pdf not less than 2 mb.

Employee Name, Employee Phone, Employee Email1, Employee Email2, Employee Password.

Create Captcha.

Email should be different in both input columns. (validation with php only).

(Crud Operations)

1) Admin Panel
     Create categories table in database and add some categories
manually in database.

     Create products table.
     Make CRUD for products.
         Fields (All fields mandatory)
             Categories (display all available categories in database.
Admin can select one or more categories.)
             Images (Can upload multiple product)

2) User Panel
     Make page for display products
         Add search box for search product by name and description
         Add shorting option like (Price high to low, Price low to high).
         Filter products by categories

Explain: Php Login Functionality

Explain: Role Based Functionality, like how to differentiate between students and faculty while logging.

 Explain Session, cookie, array functions, string functions, Global variables, which you have used in your project along with how many are there. Explain some of them.

Array merge, Array combine, Array Merge Recursive, Array Keys.

Strstr, Stristr, Implode, Explode, md5, sha1, crypt, hash.

SQL Queries:

Truncate and Delete Difference.

Insert, update, join (2 tables,3 tables), Sometime table will be provided, you must develop queries accordingly they ask.

Write queries to fetch data from 2 tables using join.

Require and include difference, require and require_once difference.

What are the different types of errors in PHP?

Explain Static, Final, Const Keyword.

Encapsulation (Access Modifiers like public,private,protected).

Polymorphism (Overloading Concept Not possible)(get,set,call method for overloading)(Overriding Possible).

Inheritance (types of inheritance, multiple not possible so Interfaces(implements) Trait(Use)),


Type of loops and their explanation.

String =  I am kunal chauhan = reverse it like nahuahc lanuk ma I.

Factorial Program, Fibonacci series, Palindrome,








Write a Program to swap two numbers in PHP without using 3rd variable or predefined function.

How is Radha’S Mother’S Mother’S Daughter-in-law’S Daughter Related to Radha? - Logical Reasoning. (Many more questions like this as aptitude test).

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